Art can help communicate key brand messages in a non-verbal way

Art and nature share a remarkable ability to transport individuals to a different mental realm.. This experience is often described as awe, where one feels a sense of perceiving something immense in size, number, scope, ability, or social impact. When people encounter awe-inspiring moments, it can have a profound impact on their well-being. It has been observed that the experience of awe can significantly reduce inflammation levels that contribute to chronic conditions such as diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular disease. Moreover, it can enhance cognitive processes, enabling individuals to process information more efficiently. This, in turn, allows people to feel less hurried, more patient, less anxious.

What is the benefit of art in a workplace?

The presence of art depicting natural scenes has been associated with various positive outcomes. Paintings with nature  tend to lower levels of perceived pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue, and general distress. Such artistic displays are often regarded as “positive distractions” that evoke positive emotions and captivate attention without inducing stress, thereby diverting worrisome thoughts. Additionally, when nature scenes are incorporated into healthcare environments, patients tend to engage in more social interactions with one another. They also exhibit reduced restlessness and quieter behavior.

For instance, if an organization showcases unconventional artwork, it is likely to be perceived as engaging in non-traditional marketing methods for less conventional products. Art that incorporates elements from various ethnic traditions can serve as an indication of employing multicultural management practices. 

By applying the same principle, when the artwork on display addresses matters of shared concern and collective identity, such as promoting environmentally responsible practices, it can foster a sense of unity. This unity can be established either among employees or between an organization and its clients. Furthermore, workplaces, despite their self-contained nature, can benefit from incorporating art that showcases the local culture and community. This integration of art acts as a bridge between the workplace and its surroundings. Effective corporate art collections often highlight local artists and directly reference the cultural milieu of the surrounding area.

Benefit of art in a workplace

Why do we have art in the office?

The presence of artwork in the workplace has the potential to enhance employee performance, uplift mood, and improve overall well-being. Furthermore, it can strengthen the interpersonal connections between employees and clients.

To empower employees and provide them with a sense of autonomy in their work environments, organizations can offer the opportunity for workers to select and position their own artwork. This grants employees a feeling of control, which has been associated with improved professional performance at the individual, group, and organizational levels. 

Taking it a step further, participatory murals enable employees to engage with the art even after its installation, allowing for personal interaction on their own terms. 

Generally, when workplaces not only display art but also involve employees in the selection and placement process, employees demonstrate heightened attention to detail, effective information processing, and display high levels of organizational citizenship.

Work environments can often feel like a maze, with desks, hallways, and doors blending together. Given that our brains tend to retain memorable environmental cues, art can serve as valuable landmarks, aiding people in navigating through space by helping them recall where they have been. 

Why do we have art in the office

How art affects employee stress, health, and performance?

The presence of art in the workplace has been found to have positive effects on employee well-being and performance. This is particularly significant considering that the office environment often hosts stress and tension, and individuals can experience cognitive exhaustion after prolonged periods of intense concentration. Engaging with artwork, especially depictions of realistic nature scenes, helps employees replenish their mental energy and alleviate stress. These effects naturally enhance cognitive performance. 

Furthermore, the inclusion of nature-inspired artwork has been associated with reduced levels of anger in the workplace. Employees working in aesthetically pleasing environments adorned with captivating art tend to experience less stress and anger when faced with task-related frustrations. As a result, such environments contribute to building a more collaborative and enjoyable workplace environment.

Interpersonal interaction also results from art that sparks discussion among employees. If creativity, innovation, and open conversations are elements of an organization’s purported culture, the placement of engaging artwork can help substantiate these values and make them visually available. Employees tend to feel more cooperative and open to considering differing points of view when exposed to paintings they find pleasing, including paintings of places to which they feel a connection — for instance, an employee in Rome looking at a beautiful painting of Rome Colosseum, or an employee in Switzerland seeing a painting of the Alps. 

Art affects employee stress, health, and performance

But how does art increase productivity?

Art in the workspace enhances productivity by improving employee well-being, inspiring creativity, increasing engagement and focus, fostering a positive work environment, and boosting employee satisfaction. It creates a visually stimulating and positive atmosphere that motivates employees, sparks innovative thinking, and reduces stress, leading to higher levels of productivity and overall job satisfaction.

What are the benefits of artwork in the workplace?

Let’s break down what the tangible benefits of art in the workplace are:

If you think artwork and hard work don’t go together, give me a few minutes to try to change your mind. Here are 7 benefits of art in the workplace:

1. Boosts creativity

Art creates an inspiring and visually stimulating environment that can spark creativity. When employees are surrounded by art, it activates their imagination and encourages them to think creatively.

Art often reflects diverse perspectives and unique interpretations of the world. By exposing employees to various art forms, they are exposed to new ideas, different ways of seeing things, and alternative approaches to problem-solving. This exposure to different perspectives can ignite their own creative thinking.

Art disrupts the monotony of the work environment and breaks established patterns. It provides a refreshing change from the usual office setting and can help employees think beyond their regular routines. This break from the norm stimulates their creativity and encourages them to approach tasks in unconventional ways.

Art often communicates complex ideas and emotions through symbolism and metaphor. By engaging with art, employees can develop a deeper understanding of how symbolism works and how to communicate abstract concepts creatively. This can enhance their ability to think metaphorically and find innovative solutions to challenges.

Art elicits emotions and allows for self-expression. When employees engage with art, it can evoke a range of emotions, stimulating their creativity and encouraging them to explore their own feelings and perspectives. This emotional connection can fuel their creative thinking and lead to fresh ideas.

Engaging with art requires attention and focus. It can serve as a form of mindfulness practice, helping employees be present in the moment and immerse themselves fully in the creative process. This heightened state of focus can enhance their ability to generate innovative ideas.


2. Supports Brand and Organizational Values

Visual representation: Paintings can visually represent the brand and organizational values of a company. By carefully selecting artwork that aligns with the company’s brand identity, values, and mission, the paintings serve as a visual representation of what the organization stands for.

Storytelling: Paintings can tell stories and narratives that are in line with the company’s values and brand messaging. Artwork can communicate the history, achievements, or aspirations of the organization, creating a narrative that resonates with employees and visitors and reinforces the company’s brand story.

Cultural representation: Paintings can showcase diverse cultures and perspectives, reflecting the company’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity. By featuring artwork from different artists and cultures, organizations can send a message of acceptance and appreciation for different backgrounds, promoting their organizational values of inclusivity and cultural diversity.

Innovation and creativity: Paintings that display creativity, originality, and unconventional thinking can reinforce the organization’s commitment to innovation and creative problem-solving. By selecting artwork that pushes boundaries, challenges norms, and inspires imagination, the company can visually communicate its dedication to creativity and innovation.

Differentiation and branding: The choice of unique and distinct paintings can help a company stand out from its competitors. By selecting artwork that reflects the company’s unique personality and differentiates it from others in the industry, organizations can strengthen their brand identity and create a memorable impression on clients, customers, and partners.

Symbolic representation: Paintings can symbolically represent the core values and ideals of the organization. By selecting artwork that represents concepts such as teamwork, collaboration, growth, or innovation, companies can reinforce these values and remind employees of their importance in the workplace.


3. It Helps Reduce Stress

Calming visual effect: Paintings, especially those depicting nature scenes, abstract patterns, or serene landscapes, can have a calming visual effect on individuals. By providing a visually pleasing and relaxing environment, paintings help to create a peaceful atmosphere that counteracts the stressors of the workplace.

Distraction and mental escape: Engaging with artwork provides a mental escape from work-related stressors. When employees take a moment to appreciate the paintings, it offers a temporary distraction from their responsibilities and allows them to shift their focus to something enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing.

Mindful engagement: Engaging with paintings in a mindful manner—taking the time to observe the details, colors, and textures—can promote mindfulness and present-moment awareness. This practice helps employees to temporarily detach from stress-inducing thoughts and worries, bringing a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Art therapy principles: Art has long been used as a therapeutic tool to reduce stress and promote well-being. By incorporating paintings in the workspace, employees can experience some of the benefits of art therapy, such as increased self-expression, emotional processing, and relaxation.

Stimulating creativity and problem-solving: Engaging with artwork can stimulate creativity and problem-solving abilities. When employees take a moment to appreciate the paintings, it activates different areas of the brain and encourages divergent thinking. This mental shift away from stress can lead to new insights and fresh perspectives on work-related challenges.

Personal connection and reflection: Paintings can trigger personal connections and reflections in individuals. Employees may resonate with specific themes, colors, or artistic styles, and find solace, inspiration, or personal meaning in the artwork. This personal connection can help alleviate stress by fostering a sense of connection and emotional well-being.

Enhanced mood and energy: Engaging with aesthetically pleasing paintings can have a positive impact on an individual’s mood and energy levels. By creating an environment that is visually stimulating and uplifting, paintings contribute to a more positive and vibrant atmosphere that counteracts the draining effects of stress.

Promoting social interaction: Paintings can act as conversation starters and encourage social interaction among employees. Discussing and sharing thoughts about the artwork with colleagues can create a sense of camaraderie, build relationships, and provide social support—all of which contribute to stress reduction in the workplace.

Art reduces stress

4. Enhances employee well-being

Emotional well-being: Paintings can evoke various emotions in individuals. By displaying artwork that elicits positive emotions such as joy, inspiration, or serenity, employees’ emotional well-being can be uplifted. Engaging with art that resonates with their emotions promotes a positive mood and overall well-being.

Stress reduction: Viewing and engaging with paintings has a calming effect on individuals. Artwork, especially those depicting nature scenes or soothing colors, can help reduce stress levels. The presence of paintings in the workspace creates a visually appealing and relaxing environment, contributing to employees’ well-being.

Mental rejuvenation: Paintings provide a mental break from work-related tasks and responsibilities. When employees take a moment to appreciate the artwork, it allows their minds to rest and rejuvenate. This mental rejuvenation promotes a sense of well-being and can enhance focus and productivity.

Inspiration and motivation: Artwork can inspire and motivate employees. Paintings that depict success, growth, or creativity can serve as visual reminders of what can be achieved. They can ignite passion and enthusiasm, boosting employees’ motivation and overall well-being.

Connection and engagement: Paintings can create a sense of connection and engagement among employees. Art can serve as a common ground for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings, fostering communication and collaboration. This social interaction contributes to employees’ overall well-being and sense of belonging.

Cognitive stimulation: Engaging with paintings stimulates the brain and promotes cognitive stimulation. When employees observe and analyze the details, colors, and composition of artwork, it activates different areas of the brain and enhances cognitive function. This mental engagement contributes to employees’ overall well-being and mental acuity.

Personal meaning and reflection: Paintings can have personal significance and meaning for employees. Artwork that resonates with their experiences, values, or aspirations can evoke personal reflection and introspection. This personal connection to the paintings contributes to a deeper sense of well-being and fulfillment.

Art in the workplace increases cognitive stimulation

5. Encourages communication and collaboration

Conversation starters: Artwork can serve as conversation starters among employees. When employees gather around a piece of art, it provides a common topic of discussion, breaking the ice and encouraging communication. This informal interaction can lead to more meaningful conversations and collaboration.

Shared interest and passion: Art can ignite shared interests and passions among employees. When individuals discover common appreciation for a particular artist, style, or theme, it creates a bond and encourages collaboration. This shared interest can serve as a foundation for collaborative projects or creative initiatives.

Creative inspiration: Artwork can inspire employees’ creativity and spark innovative ideas. When employees engage with art, it stimulates their own creative thinking and encourages them to think outside the box. This shared inspiration fosters collaboration and the exchange of unique perspectives.

Cross-department collaboration: Art can bring together employees from different departments or teams who may not typically interact. By incorporating art in shared spaces, it creates a focal point that draws individuals from various areas of the organization. This cross-department interaction facilitates communication and collaboration, fostering a more cohesive and interconnected work environment.

Collaborative art projects: Organizations can facilitate collaborative art projects where employees collectively contribute to creating artwork. This shared creative process promotes teamwork, communication, and collaboration. It allows individuals to collaborate on a shared goal, fostering a sense of unity and strengthening working relationships.

Team-building activities: Art-related team-building activities, such as group painting sessions or art workshops, can foster communication and collaboration. These activities encourage employees to work together, share ideas, and support each other’s creative processes. This collaborative experience enhances teamwork and strengthens interpersonal relationships.

Break from routine: Engaging with art provides a break from routine tasks and responsibilities, creating space for employees to relax and recharge. This mental break can stimulate creativity and encourage open communication. By stepping away from their desks and engaging with art, employees have the opportunity to connect with colleagues on a more informal and collaborative level.

Cross-cultural appreciation: Art from different cultures promotes cross-cultural appreciation and understanding. By displaying artwork that represents diverse cultural perspectives, organizations create an environment that encourages learning and dialogue. This cross-cultural exchange fosters open communication and collaboration among employees from different backgrounds.

Art in the workplace improves communication and cooperation

6. Enhances productivity

Inspiration: Artwork can serve as a source of inspiration for employees. When surrounded by visually stimulating and thought-provoking artwork, individuals are more likely to feel inspired and generate new ideas. The colors, imagery, and creative techniques displayed in the artwork can spark creative thinking and ignite the imagination.

Alternative perspectives: Artwork often presents alternative perspectives and unconventional ways of seeing the world. By exposing employees to different artistic styles and interpretations, artwork challenges conventional thinking and encourages individuals to consider new approaches and solutions. This exposure to diverse perspectives can fuel creative thinking and open up possibilities.

Sensory stimulation: Artwork engages multiple senses, including sight, and sometimes even touch and sound. This multisensory experience stimulates different parts of the brain and enhances cognitive flexibility. By appealing to different senses, artwork encourages employees to approach problems from various angles, leading to more creative and diverse solutions.

Creative work environment: The presence of artwork creates an overall creative work environment. It signals to employees that creativity is valued and encourages them to tap into their own creative potential. When employees are surrounded by art, it serves as a constant reminder to think creatively and embrace innovative approaches.

Art in the workplace improves productivity

7. Enhances the overall aesthetic appeal

Visual focal points: Paintings serve as visual focal points that draw attention and create visual interest in a space. They can be strategically placed in key areas, such as lobbies, conference rooms, or common areas, to catch the eye and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the workspace.

Colors and textures: Paintings introduce a variety of colors, textures, and patterns into the workspace. They can add vibrancy, depth, and visual richness to an otherwise neutral or monotonous environment. The combination of different colors and textures in the artwork can create a visually stimulating and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

Balance and harmony: Paintings contribute to the balance and harmony of the overall workspace design. They can be used to complement the existing color palette, furniture, and décor, creating a cohesive and visually pleasing environment. The careful selection and placement of paintings can enhance the overall aesthetic balance of the workspace.

Personalization and branding: Paintings can be used to personalize the workspace and reflect the organization’s brand identity. Custom artwork or commissioned pieces can incorporate elements that represent the company’s values, mission, or industry. This personalized touch adds uniqueness and reinforces the organization’s visual identity, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.

Visual scale and proportion: Paintings come in various sizes, allowing for the consideration of scale and proportion in the workspace design. Large-scale paintings can make a bold statement and create a sense of grandeur, while smaller paintings can add subtle accents and create a sense of intimacy. By considering the visual scale and proportion of paintings, the overall aesthetic appeal of the workspace can be enhanced.

Art curation and display: The way paintings are curated and displayed in the workspace can significantly impact the overall aesthetic appeal. The thoughtful arrangement, grouping, or thematic displays can create visual narratives and add a sense of coherence and sophistication to the space. The curation and display of artwork contribute to an elevated aesthetic experience for employees and visitors alike.

Visual escape and relaxation: Paintings provide a visual escape and create a sense of tranquility in the workspace. By incorporating artwork that depicts serene landscapes, nature scenes, or abstract patterns, the overall aesthetic appeal of the space can create a calming and soothing environment. This visual escape can enhance the overall well-being of employees and contribute to a positive work atmosphere.

Curiosity and engagement: The presence of paintings in the workspace can spark curiosity and encourage engagement among employees and visitors. The aesthetic appeal of the artwork prompts individuals to observe, appreciate, and inquire about the paintings, creating opportunities for conversations and interactions. This engagement enhances the overall atmosphere and contributes to a dynamic and visually appealing workspace.

Art brings an aesthetic appeal to the workplace


The presence of artwork has been shown to have numerous benefits for employees and the overall work environment. Paintings act as visual landmarks, aiding navigation and providing a sense of place within the workplace. They also have a rehabilitative influence, similar to their effects in hospitals, by promoting employee well-being and reducing stress levels. Viewing artwork, particularly nature scenes, helps restore mental energy, improve brain performance, and lower anger levels. Additionally, aesthetically-engaging art creates a more collaborative and enjoyable workspace, fostering a positive atmosphere and enhancing employee engagement. With their power to inspire, uplift, and create a welcoming ambiance, paintings undoubtedly contribute to a stimulating and productive work environment.

To purchase artwork for your workspace check out my gallery. Or if you want to stay in touch with me and future blog posts subscribe to my newsletter. Till my next blog post.

Happy painting!


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