Is Varnishing an Acrylic Painting Really Necessary?

Is Varnishing an Acrylic Painting Really Necessary?

Let’s say you’ve finished your painting. The work of a couple of hours (and probably days) is over. It was worth it! There is a mess around you as usual. You have pulled the last stroke of the brush and you are ready to set it aside. You look at your work proudly with...
Barad Dur & Mount Doom

Barad Dur & Mount Doom

BARAD DUR & MOUNT DOOM This artwork is an original, high quality 100% hand-painted acrylic artwork on canvas. It will look beautiful as office decor, cafe decor, home decor, in any lobby or building, or even in the bedroom, living room, or as children’s room...
The Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm

THE PERFECT STORM This artwork is an original, high quality 100% hand-painted acrylic artwork on canvas. It will look beautiful as office decor, cafe decor, home decor, in any lobby or building, or even in the bedroom, living room, or as children’s room decor....

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